Optimize Your Website for the Latest SEO Trend: Visual Search

Redcube Digital
3 min readJan 4, 2021


If somebody says a word, apple for instance, your brain immediately visualizes it as a juicy red fruit, and not as a string of letters. Our brain visualizes every little thing we say or think of. And now, search engines are finally catching up with how our brains function, and have now introduced search optimizations which allow us to conduct solely image-based searches. While this all sounds good and merry, what exactly does it mean for people conducting text-based SEO? Should you Optimize Your Website for the Latest SEO Trend: Visual Search? Let’s find out!

What is Visual Search?

Visual search is a new and up and coming search optimization that allows you to search for things using images. The algorithm that Visual Search uses involves machine learning. Machine learning, combined with computer vision identify the elements in your image, and give you other images that include objects that are same, or similar to the image you searched for. Instead of trying to come up with words that best describe that object or image, you can just click a picture of the said image or object and easily find out more about them. For people using SEO, visual search has some pretty major implications in online shopping and your website.

What most people do with their website in terms of SEO is, that they heavily rely on switching texts here and there on their web page, like keywords on a page. SEO often neglects the image optimization, but Visual Search brings attention to this part specifically. Visual search brings in a greater number of visitors to your website, thus, improving your site’s non-visual SEO metrics as well. Which is why you need to pay more attention to Optimize Your Website for the Latest SEO Trend: Visual Search.

How can you optimize your site for visual search marketing?

Similar to the text content, there are a few SEO thumb rules that you should keep in mind when doing image optimization. Even if you’re not planning to incorporate visual search in your website, you should Optimize Your Website for the Latest SEO Trend: Visual Search as it can raise the overall ranking of your website and at the same time enhance user experience. Here are some ways in which you can Optimize Your Website for the Latest SEO Trend: Visual Search.

1. Image Captions

Captions provide a lot of context to the image, especially if they contain all the relevant keywords. The more your keyword relevance is, the more engaging your content becomes.

2. Images in the Sitemap

To better understand sitemap, think of it as the blueprint of your website, that shows where and how each component of the website has been placed. If you add images to an XML sitemap, it enables google to index your images, thus making it easier for people to find your site in the search.

3. Image Variety

When you increase the number of images on your website, not only does it enhance your SEO, but also increases the overall appeal of your website. Be sure that you include the images of all your business products and services, and ensure that the images are high in quality.

4. Social Media

When we speak of visual media, it is impossible to not think or mention Social Media in that context. In more than one-way, social media serves as the perfect gateway towards visual search. If you open social media, your screen will be bombarded with a plethora of images and visual content, many of which can easily serve as inspiration for purchase decisions. Whenever any user sees your image, they can very easily click on it and therefore, will be led to your website. Once there, they will be able to see an array of similar pictures and products that complement the product they initially clicked on. With an efficient team dedicated to visual search marketing, it is very easy to bring in the ideal audience to your website with the help of the social media platforms they use.

Visual search is a coming-of-age search optimization. Gradually, a broader public is starting to use it. If you are a business, this is the perfect time to delve into visual search optimization. It can act as a head start for you, and you can get a chance to pull ahead of the late-coming competitors.



Redcube Digital

A New Delhi (India) based creative and digital marketing agency. We offer digital marketing, social media marketing & online branding. www.redcubedigital.com